Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Global warming ??????

Much has been said about Global warming good or bad who knows But.

Last years we didn't get as much rainfall as in previous years and we are in a fire zone.

The pictures below show this little stream that normally at this time of year the water is flowing like a raging torrent.

The local Council has recently had much of the undergrowth cut from the sides of the roads as a safe guard.

this is the stream where i get stones from for my fish tanks.

Monday, 14 February 2022

Growing fish tank plants

 I have an ongoing problem growing plants for my main fish tank. The tank is a meter deep and i can't just put plants into it i have to drain about 3,000 litres of water and get in. I then decided to get the glass to make 3 tanks where i can keep some fish in them grow plants.

Each tank is 400mm X 400mm X 400mmand i have plants now growing for when i have enough i can then transfer them to my main tank.


 I had a meting in town to show some work i was doing for an Valentines day present. I was then asked if i could make a board in the shape of Scotland, yes i said because i believe i can make anything.

What you se is Scotland cut from a piece of Chestnut and it's about 40mm thick nice and chunky. It's 430m long and 230mm wide once finished it will look stunning.  

Since starting Scotland i have been asked if i can make a board in the shape of Holland. Holland i know will give a few challenges but i can do it. 

This view doesn't really show how thick the wood really is that i am using.

Friday, 11 February 2022

It never gets boring cutting wood

Well it's been a busy couple of weeks down in my workshop. I have just finished cutting a board for a lady and it's the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean.










Two island I am just finishing are part of the Azores one has to be oiled with a food grade mineral oil. The other has to be varnished as it a wall feature importantly they are a Valentines day gift.









Then there is the United Kingdom. All countries are not to scale I have done Wales, the isle of Mann also Ireland with Northern Island. Then there is the one I call " There will always Be " that one is England. I still have to cut Scotland to complete the series. 













Today I cut Scotland for a customer the board is about 16 inches tall and two inches thick. This one will be interesting because of  the shape of the country and limitations of the machine I use for cutting.


Monday, 7 February 2022

Here i am back


Hello Blog followers that doesn't sound right i should say friends

I once said that I hadn't posted for a while because of Covid etc but sadly that was wrong.

I stopped posting because I have family members who where trying to make my life difficult. So it was easy not to post but that was not the answer but it is still happening to this day. The last comment even included my Family name I have been Peterfc since about the age of 15. I used to buy Dylan, the Stones and Jimi Hendrix LP’s and sign the back Peterfc and I still 57 years later still have those LP’s.

My surname is mine I am to those who know me Peterfc. I have been contacted by a nice Guy on Britishexpats that he noticed I hadn’t posted on my Blog or Britishexpats well below are some of the reasons.

It's about time I made a few comments.

First when i mention family i mean my sons and daughters and grandchildren and not my siblings.

About 55 years ago my Grandad took out a handkerchief that he had in WW1 he had his handkerchief In his breast pocket. Inside his handkerchief was a pocket knife, a sniper shot him is the heart. Thankfully he had his handkerchief in his breast pocket and the knife stopped the bullet.

My Grandad let me look at the knife and he said one day my Dad would give me the knife. I waited for almost a lifetime only to find out that a younger sister took the knife knowing it was to come to me.

On my various trips back to the UK I saw many items had been taken out of the family home STOLEN.

My Dad had two commemorative plates that where displayed on the walls in the house. One sister took both commemorative plates. On the plates are the shields for the regiments that served in North Africa my Dad proudly served in North Africa he was a Dessert Rat. There where three sister and two brothers and she took both.

My Mum used to give me a cheque for £100 not one of the cheques was ever cashed all put on my fire when I got home. One sister  criticised me about the cheques but she asked for about £7,000 from my Dad so she could by a house. This came after Mum and Dad sold there house back to the council and for once in there life they had some money. Money to see them through there retirement.

One family member came to visit Mum when a football team played at home.

OK what about me living in the sun I traveled back to the UK between 3 to 4 times each year. These trips stopped towards the end of 2019 and I have only traveled once since then. My last trip lasted for only three days but I got to see my family and grandchildren.

However I am trying to make a point and explain why I haven't posted for the last three months. I do miss not posting on my Blog, this Blog was so my children and grandchildren could see what I was doing in my new life. From the UK to Afghanistan Nigeria and Iraq my family have missed a lot.

So my Blog is mine and I am back nobody is going to make me feel bad even the bossy bitch.