For a long time i have used a company called Pharosparcel's use UPS for there delivery. On Monday at 5.11pm a parcel was collected in Liverpool and at 5.36pm a parcel was collected from Manchester bound for me in Portugal.
Normally it's 5 days for delivery but this time UPS did a fine job at 11.45am this morning much less than 3 days i had both parcels delivered. Now it's that's not good i don't know what is.
There is another parcel waiting for a couple of other bits waiting to make up a Red cross food parcel. My next parcel will have, Router bits, Cam belt a parcel from my Mum oxo cubes, cheese, tea bags and more. Red cross parcel is a nickname that is used by use Brits here in Sunny Portugal for any parcel that has food in it. No disrespect to the Red Cross.
People are so dependent on express courier services. These services should be of good quality and chain reaction.