Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Post Brexit what a shambles

 I like many have had trouble getting deliveries from the UK. More and more people like me are using Spain, Germany and China for whatever goods we need. 

On the 11th June 2021 i ordered packs of fish food and i was given for delivery

Estimated delivery Fri, 30 Jul - Fri, 01 Oct

I need lots of fish food for my fish tanks. That's one example of how Brexit is affecting me. I would have ordered from the UK  but the price that Ebay has put for delivery. I recently ordered plastic bags and i normally pay about £7.50 with delivery via Ebay the total cost was £21.23. Ebay and other factors now make for me the UK finished.

That's how Brexit has affected me, how it's affecting people in the UK. T took some information from the BBC News online.


The Road Haulage Association has estimated there is a shortage of more than 100,000 drivers in the UK, which had around 600,000 before the pandemic.

On Friday supermarket chain Morrisons became the latest company to join the growing chorus of calls for drivers to be eligible for Skilled Worker visas to allow them to work in the UK.

Aldi has said it has increased its wages for lorry drivers amid the shortage. The supermarket chain pays between £14.15 and £15.34 per hour for day shifts, and £16.98 and £18.41 per hour for night shifts according to its careers website. Tesco has offered a £1,000 bonus for drivers who join before 30 September.

Across the UK thousands of key workers have left the UK to go home to there own country. Why because the UK has a scale of pay the fruit pickers, lorry drivers ETC need to earn to stay in the UK.

Below is from the UK.Gov website


Your job

You must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa:

  • your job is eligible for this visa
  • you’ll be working for a UK employer that’s been approved by the Home Office
  • you’ll be paid at least the minimum salary for the type of work you’ll be doing

The minimum salary for the type of work you’ll be doing is whichever is the highest out of the following 3 options:

  • £25,600 per year
  • £10.10 per hour
  • the ‘going rate’ for the type of work you’ll be doing

Sunday, 22 August 2021

My sump needs fixing

 In my fish room i have a fish tank i am using for a filter commonly called a sump. I noticed that it was leaning away from the wall by about 3/ 4 degrees. With all the water and filter media if it fell it would fall into my big fish tank.. 

Since i had an accident with a tank during mt teens everything is now above the water line. No chance of anything going wrong and the water leaking out of my tank or filter.

When i came to move my filter i found it was to heavy for me to life i had a problem. I moved my freezer close to the main tank and i then lowered the filter onto the freezer. I was now able to remove the rest of the water and filter media and then start to clean the inside of the filter tank.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

A Troll

 The 14th April 2010 was my first post on my Blog. That's now over ten years ago and so much has happened over the years.

This post is not about me but about some fool who has nothing better to do with his sad lonely life. He left comments very nasty hurtful

I have just had seven very nasty comments left for me. My first reaction was to a relative who i choose not to contact. No my relatives are not that Evil but lets see what the future brings.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Customs what a load of rubbish

 Because of Brexit and all those wonderful people who voted to leave it has caused no end of problems for me and many many more.

Often you look on the back of a package only to see it's made in the Peoples Republic of China. Now with so much trouble getting anything from the UK i have started to look for things i need from China. All of a sudden the Customs have stopped 2 out of Four parcels i have coming from China.

I track my parcel to know when they should arrive until i got two emails from the Customs here in Portugal. Over the years i have i had things often from China without any problem of any kind until now. The value of the two items was only about 24€ or £20.

The customs want the Tarrif code for each item a code i do not have. Emails went from me to the supplier just for 4 small filters and 2 bags of fish food. 

It took me from the  28th July and the 2nd August to finally get clearance. It's probably taken about a minimum of 10 hours hard work to get these parcels cleared. The work is not done till i get them delivered and i then wait for the next to arrive.

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Alice R.I.P

 I was here 10 years ago ready to do the legal stuff to buy my house. Each time i came up to what was to become my home i would see Alice an old lady why was so friendly to me a new comer.

I was writing about the customs when i heard my name. My friend came to tell me that Alice had passed away. During the first few years out of respect i called her Don Alice until the day came. Alice told me to now call her Alice i had shown her respect over the last few years.

It is so sad that only about a week away from my 10th birthday living here. 

Alice passed away on Sunday evening and the service is Wednesday morning at 11.30 am. I have an appointment at 11 am at the optician so i hope to make the service in time.

Alice gone but not forgotten.

Monday, 2 August 2021

The last week.

On the 16th July i agreed to change my service with Meo. The new service would give me TV wow it's almost all in Portuguese or with subtitles. 

Much better minutes for my mobile phone and better text, I almost never text.

Better internet speed, OK i have heard that before. 

I also get 1,000 minutes after 9pm till 9am to 50 countries FREE yes i can use that.

The pictures below show today's speed. The figure on the left is a test of the speed from the Internet people to me and back to them.

The next speed is the speed i am getting today 0.50 is only half a megabyte the bottom picture is only 0.20 megabyte i could walk faster.

The third figure 0.00 megabyte is the speed i should have to upload this post to my Blog 0.00 megabyte means i can't upload anything.

So much for this great new service i have been sold.

I have tried twice to upload posts to my Blog but the speed is Crap.

My 1,000 minutes went live 6.12pm Sundays night great i can make a call to the UK to a friend. Did it work no after 13 minutes the line went dead when i looked at the display on the phone there was a lock on the so it was no good. Today my house phone is still locked. 

Moral of the story if you are looking to move to Portugal Don't use Meo they are a joke.