I had an appointment to see my doctor at 8.30 am and duly turned on time. Expecting to have a long wait i took my Ipad to continue reading. I need to wear glasses for reading so when told to sit and wait for the doctor i went to sit down.
Glasses out and Ipad on great ready for a good read, no with having to wear a mask my glasses steamed up and i couldn't see. So the Ipad had to be switched of but as i switched the Ipad of my name was called. so off to the doctors room i went. I told him i need a form to go to the clinic to have a full body blood test. A blood test can show early signs of problems so i want to give myself the best chance i can.
When i left the doctors it was only 8.45am so i went to the Clinic here in Gois. No i am scared of needles but the girl doing the blood test was amazing i would certainly go back t here again.
Now to the local supermarket and then home by 9.35 am
That was a lot to get done in little over an hour.
Going for a blood test is a precaution however i couldn't go to a doctor in the UK and ask for a blood test In the UK i would have paid to have gone to a private doctor and i would expect to pay something in the region of £75 the fee today wa s 5.50€.