Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Friday, 26 July 2019

Hospital food ??

My Mum has recently had a spell in hospital due to a serious Eye problem. I was there a couple of days ago when Mum's lunch came up for her. I noticed the difference from the hospital she has been in previous was her meal was on a plate. This time it was in a carton just like you get from a supermarket. I looked at the label, it was a beef Hotpot but of the whole meal only 16% was beef.

Take a look at the picture of the label with all the ingredients listed. I have a problem with all that is put in our food when I look at bread for example I use only 5 ingredients, flour, salt, sugar, yeast and water. But so many things go into food to make it last but in my case I only use fresh ingredients and no tines or packages full of unpronounceable ingredients.

Now production starts

I have at last received pictures of my son working spraying glass for a kitchen and this splash back is in white. My son had to setup his own production shop because the company who previously painted his glass to to long and let him down on delivery dates.
A job can now got from an average of 21 days to now app 8 days ideal when someone is have a kitchen refit 8 days is not to bad a time to wait for the fit.
Below are three photos I have just received of the very first job sprayed now how proud a Dad I am so very proud good luck son.

Up and running

Some time ago I had the task of building a Spray booth for my son to enable him to spray glass for his business. My son supplies and fits Glass splashbacks any colour can be done. When I last went home to Portugal my son still had the ventilation and the air system to complete.

This to me is just brown but it has a strange name and a name I have forgotten.

Now this one is a colour by Laura Ashley from her paint collection it's either Silver or Soft silver.. It may no look to much like silver but that's what it said on the paperwork that came with the paint.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

OK let's get started

Along time ago while at Chicco my favourite wood supplier I saw a piece of wood on the floor. I fell in love with the piece of wood but didn't have at that time a job for it. While I was in the UK at some point early this year I knew just what I wanted today with the piece of wood I fell in love with.

It was my plan to build another sliding door between my lounge and the entrance door. Unlike the bedroom I made a sliding door and it fit into a false wall. This time I wanted a shelf built into the frame for the door to fit but not just any shelf but the one you see in the picture. All the fittings for the door will run under the shelf and a false wall will be in front to finish the job.
Below you can the shelf in position ready to add the door once it has been made for me. I have included five LED lights similar to those fitted to behind the Coving.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Such a busy time

I have only been back a few weeks and i have had so much to do after being away for so many months.

I have drawn up a template for my Solar panels that once in place should provide all the power i need for my fish tank. There is a local steel stockholders who can make up my frame for my panels. As soon as i am able to get over to the Steel place i can have them make the frame up for me.

I have found a supplier for my Epoxy resin in the UK priced at £17.99 a kilo this price i found the best on offer. After calling the company i had needed 4 kilo to complete the inside of the tank. Now i am told they have a cancelled order in the colour i want and at £50 for 5kilo. By getting this extra kilo i can complete another job i am planning to do. 
I am only now looking to carry on with my fish tank. Near to me there is a stream that at this time of year has run dry and the bottom of the stream it is covered in very small flat stones ideal for a fish tank.

I have collected many stones like these for my tank. All the stones i have collected need to be treated in Chlorine to sterilise them and then i can use them safely.

These are large stones from a wall near my house that was taken down during the renovation of a house. The old type of building in these villages was with stones and Mud. The mud was used because when it dries in the baking sun it forms solid walls. The house close to me has been dated to about the mid 1800's so the poor villages coudn't afford cement for building.

All i have to do now is clean the stones ready to put in my tank.