Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

It's still raining

 It started raining about 2 weeks ago and apart from the clouds going off to refill it's not stopped.

A tiny dried up stream where i get stones for my fish tanks is now a raging torrent.

The river through Gois has risen considerably and friends who normally swim in the river now have to go and swim indoors. 

Another week of rain and then it's dry days again and nobody will miss the rain till it comes again maybe into the new year.

Friday, 11 November 2022

What an amazing table on Youtube

I have been working with wood for a while now. I saw a Youtube video of a guy making a table from off cuts of various woods. Below is a picture of the table from the Youtube video i saw today.

I have lots of off cuts that i have kept without having anything to use them for. Now after watching this video i know what to do with all the bits of wood i have.

Try the link below to see what got my excited for my next project.