Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Fresh Strawberries Mmmmm

As i have mentioned before it's now November and raining but who cares.

Today i went out today to pick some Strawberries and Peppers in rainy November but also i had my grand daughter Chelsee along with me. We picked some Strawberries but we had to leave some that were not ready to pick yet.

Later we went over to feed the chickens, today they had stewed apple, pear and carrot peelings and cabbage leaves. Chelsee had a good time watching the way the chickens were running around until the rain started again and i had to go in so my laptop kept dry. Oh did i mention that Chelsee was away in Liverpool and i am in Portugal.

Oh for the use of Skype and the taste of fresh Strawberries in November.


  1. Good to hear your news. The growing sounds great!
    I'm here in Portugal too, and so it's nice to hear you talk of the seasons.. Having lived here for four years , I find that I have a different response to weather. For instance , now that there is more rain, and clouds and also cooler , I find such conditions quite relaxing and delightful; . Not something that I had experienced as an overriding feeling in England.

    This is teaching me , about how experiences are all relative...

    .. ie clear blue skies.. heat many months.. then clouds... is a interesting combination.. !
    Oh well. .. my plants like it too.. I find that plants take root very easily in the Portuguese climate.. particularly cactus like plants and the indigeonous varieties.
    strawberries.. ah now, mine have sent their runners out.. this is a new eperience for me in the garden.. so I Poppped them in the next pot.. and they are very happpy.. I have'nt broken the connection form the parent plant... yet.. since they are all so happy.
    Best regards,

  2. oh.. and an aside...

    I have just come from the web site LingQ . which is a language learners site. I've been a member for a few years now.. and find the resources there very helpful as regards getting along with the Portuguese language.

    I hope you might find it useful too. You can be a free member there .

  3. Hi

    I seem so lucky that whatever i plant grows but maybe not as well as they should but with a little work over the winter the ground should be better for the next growing season.
