Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Rain and Cold but nobody is complaining

It was nice today to wake and open the shutters and find a nice clear blue sky. It looked really nice out until i went to feed the chickens only to find that it was very cold outside. When i went back inside i really felt cold so i put my aircon on to warm the place up on the front of the aircon unit it has a display and the inside temperature was 14c inside. It may be me but looking at a display saying 14c now did i feel cold because of the display or was it really cold who knows.

While i was driving into town the temperature on my dashboard was 7.5c. Now before i went out i had Radio Merseyside on and during the morning show someone mentioned that it was just about freezing so who was i to complain. Listening later in the day on the news their where reports of one river being 14ft higher than normal and floods everywhere. Wow things do seem bleak, the river going through Gois may not be as big as the Mersey but it is a big river for here. I stood and watched the speed of the river and with the rains of the last few weeks the rain had turned what was a slow sleepy river into a torrent.

The rain and the rivers will help the environment all along from far up in the hills to were it eventually joins other bigger river. So much of the year their is the danger of forest fires due to the extreme heat from the constant sunshine but for now the rain is badly needed.


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