Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Another window done

It's taken a while but with so much on the go at the moment  it's difficult get everything done at the same time. The stock of Chestnut timber i was able to buy due to it's size  didn't allow me to get everything done i would have liked.

I now have a compressor and it made the job of varnishing much easier so it looks so much better than i have done before.

I now have parts already cut for two other windows but i need to find another supply of Chestnut. The down side is so many of the timber yards have two prices one for locals and one for us English. So getting timber is getting expensive now Chicco has closed down.


  1. Looking good there Peter. Keep up the great work you're doing. So all will be complete.

  2. Peter, read your comment about Meo wifi on a forum. Do you mean they are offering you a wifi dongle, what is termed Internet Móvel? Download speeds ca. 6mb. We have a 10GB allowance per month. If they are offering unlimited it could be the answer.
