Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Friday 21 June 2024

A few catch up pictures

 Hows this for a window a meter and a half wide. Over half a meter high and so deep i can't touch the with from the front of the sill. The wall is a full meter thick and i have studded the wall with loads of insulation. So happy days ahead.
This is going to be the kitchen wall it's five and a half meters wide. It's insulated to within an inch of it's life. There will be no sockets on the walls but there will be pop-up sockets and above the work surface will be a wall to wall Mirror. So i can watch myself cooking.
At a market i attend someone parked a motorbike right behind my van. Clever i couldn't open my van doors. As you can see i moved the van into the middle of the road no i had access to the back of my van.

I remember when my granddaughter was visiting she tried to get me in the river for a swim. Well granddaughter here is the reason i won't swim in the river.

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