Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 2 March 2020

A new country

I am pleased to say a big well come to a reader from A Southern African country. This country brings my readers now at 80 countries the country is Lesotho and thank you for reading my Blog.

This week another i have just noticed another two new countries where i now have readers. Turkmenistan and Namibia so i am up to about 82 countries something to be proud of.

I am looking forward to more countries joining my readers.


  1. I lived in Maseru, Lesotho many years ago. I was straight out of college working on development projects. Spent many a night at Lancers Bar.

    1. Hi Sheikh n'vac
      Thank you for the comment it's nice to here from someone from a country i have just found i have a ready from there.
