Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 29 March 2021

Warning have been given

 Ahead of us is the fire season. Warning have been given to help provide protection from fire in the months ahead.

A neighbour offered to cut all the undergrowth for me and on Saturday he turned up and got started cutting the land. After showing him my land markers he got started with his strimmer.

I know that you can't make a piece of land fire proof but you can do the best you can. This is my estate all about 180 m ok only small but it's mine, you can see the front of the wall all the undergrowth but that's cut now.

The village has life

 At the ungodly hour of just after 8am this morning i was woken up by a noise. At first i couldn't figure out what the noise was at first.

As my brain started to function i made out the noise of People strimming and strimming does sound bad first thing in the morning.

Because of the risk to fires all villages have been cleaned by the local camara all the growth at the side of the roads gets cut back. After it get cut the village does look so much better till it grows back again. 

Normally a guy comes along with a blower to blow everything into a pile to be taken away. Today for the first time in almost 1101 years a woman come along but she just brushed all the cuttings onto someones land. 

All this grass cutting dumped on someones land increases the risk of fire. When i started to take pictures with my Ipad the woman soon stopped.

As soon as i went back inside it all started again.

Now they are blowing all the cuttings onto someones land waiting for a fire to start.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Sorry about the title but to me the end came on the 11th March 2021. I used the last of my stocks of Extra mature cheddar cheese, each day i would have 2 poached eggs and i would put some cheese in my poacher before i added the egg. 

I would have two pieces of thick home made bread toasted. A perfect breakfast to start anybodies day. Yes at Lidl i can get cheese from Northern Ireland. As cheese goes it's not bad but this is the end of 10 years almost of having my choice of cheese for breakfast. 

Boris you have a lot to answer for.


Here is a picture of my last packet of pre Brexit cheese that has now gone. 

If you have an egg poacher try putting some cheese in first and then the egg. Mmmmm

This virus

 Wanting to stay safe has a cost by staying in keeps me from putting myself at risk of the Virus. I go out shopping around lunch time the idea is that people are at home having lunch. 

I feel a little safer going out then to do my shopping and as the shops don't look to busy i may be right.

About the only thing i am able to do is use my lathe and i am slowly using what wood i have that i can use.

I am sorry but little has been happening lately there is nowhere open that i can get some wood from.

This was a few days work when i was really not feeling my best.

I ordered Epoxy resin from Germany instead of the UK where i would have normally got it from. I made up some epoxy and cut a grove in the rim of the bowl/platter and put some blue epoxy in it.

These did give me a boost at a time when i was feeling low.

Not just black epoxy resin but some mahogany as well. Well i need to try and keep busy until it's safer to go out.