Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 29 March 2021

Warning have been given

 Ahead of us is the fire season. Warning have been given to help provide protection from fire in the months ahead.

A neighbour offered to cut all the undergrowth for me and on Saturday he turned up and got started cutting the land. After showing him my land markers he got started with his strimmer.

I know that you can't make a piece of land fire proof but you can do the best you can. This is my estate all about 180 m ok only small but it's mine, you can see the front of the wall all the undergrowth but that's cut now.

1 comment:

  1. You have not posted for a long time. Hope you are well. I look forward to your updates about life in Portugal.

    We toured the area around Pedrógão Grande in April 2017 in our Campervan. I was uneasy on the mountain roads, sensing some impending doom but not sure what. We did notice the eucalyptus debris under the trees.
