Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Friday 28 June 2024

It's one thing having an idea but.


Not many people get to design and build there own home. I did the next best thing i got myself a shell and that's where all my ideas come to fruition.

My ceiling will form only part of the space available. The picture on the right gives an idea of how the ceiling will look.

Like this idea there will be lots of trials to make sure i get my ideas to work. In my workshop i have a light that come on by sound. This is something i want to look at.

When the roof tiles get replaced i will put extra insulation into the roof space. The ceiling you can see in the picture is only 3 meters wide. A further 1.5 meters

Thursday 27 June 2024

Before the fire season

The fire season could happen anytime and there are rules about keeping land clear.

This belongs to a neighbour of mine and does need clearing sometime soon.

Well here's my land  recently cleared so less danger of fire but nothing is 100% certain. All we can do is our best to help to keep the risk down. I have a young neighbour who clears my land for me 

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Plasterbooading finished upstairs


Scaffolding up ready to tape the joints and fill the screw holes.  When dry i can sand the boards and that's a bis job done.

This picture shows the level that the ceiling will be at. The ceiling will not go all the way across. The lighting for the room will come out of the sides flooding down.

Ok i can see it in my mind the ceiling will go underneath and to the side of the steel you can see on the wall. The ceiling will be 3 meter wide and 5.7 meters front to back. Well that's enough for now.

Friday 21 June 2024

A few catch up pictures

 Hows this for a window a meter and a half wide. Over half a meter high and so deep i can't touch the with from the front of the sill. The wall is a full meter thick and i have studded the wall with loads of insulation. So happy days ahead.
This is going to be the kitchen wall it's five and a half meters wide. It's insulated to within an inch of it's life. There will be no sockets on the walls but there will be pop-up sockets and above the work surface will be a wall to wall Mirror. So i can watch myself cooking.
At a market i attend someone parked a motorbike right behind my van. Clever i couldn't open my van doors. As you can see i moved the van into the middle of the road no i had access to the back of my van.

I remember when my granddaughter was visiting she tried to get me in the river for a swim. Well granddaughter here is the reason i won't swim in the river.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Ok I'm back


It's been a while and i have to admit to being sad not to have posted as often as i did some time ago.

I spoke a few days ago to my best friend and the only way i could keep him up to date was via Whatsapp. I must say he convinced me to restart my Blog in a way to let the world know what i am doing. Secondly to let someone from my distant past know what i am doing with my life.

Some time ago i sold my share of a ruin next door to my house and used the money to buy a house about 50 meters behind where i live now.

 I don't have email on this laptop so that's one thing i need to do so i can post pictures of progress in my new house