Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Where is he

This time of year for the last few years i have had a little friend come to see me. He never comes into my house even though most of the time the door is open.

My friend is a little Robin of the feathered type but sadly this year he is not here. Seeing him going from tree to tree was a way to pass the time. He never stayed long enough for me to take his picture, maybe he was shy. I was told today that they only live for three years so maybe he has passed away.

R.I.P little Robin you are very missed.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Best before/ best by

Every trip back to the UK i bring back Cheese or if i have a parcel sent over i have Cheese included in it. While going thrlough my stock of Cheese in my freezer i found one block about 800g and it was dated for 13/10/2015. OK so it's out of date but i use it in my egg poacher to make my poached eggs that bit different. Or Cheese omerlet with extra mature cheddar it just perfect and what better way to start a day.

Way back in about 1968

As the title says way back in about 1968 a girl friend and i parted. But last year we made contact again and i am very happy to wish her a very Happy Birthday for today.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Another window done

It's taken a while but with so much on the go at the moment  it's difficult get everything done at the same time. The stock of Chestnut timber i was able to buy due to it's size  didn't allow me to get everything done i would have liked.

I now have a compressor and it made the job of varnishing much easier so it looks so much better than i have done before.

I now have parts already cut for two other windows but i need to find another supply of Chestnut. The down side is so many of the timber yards have two prices one for locals and one for us English. So getting timber is getting expensive now Chicco has closed down.

Friday, 19 January 2018

My tank window

For a very long time i have wanted to get back into tropical fish. Going back to before i arrived here in Portugal i have been searching for tropical fish shops but had great difficulty finding any.
Ever since i found a couple of shops  last summer i wanted fish but me being me i wanted some think unique so that's why my tank will be about 5,000 litres in size.

This is the frame for the window at the front of the tank. The window is 1000mm X 500mm just the perfect size in relation to the tank size.

Here is the tank ready to have the window frame opening made. All the brickwork will be reinforced in still bar called Rebar to add further strength.

This is a 30,000 gallon tank i have been watching on Youtube but this tank is for Koi carp not tropical fish.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Started to varnish

Since i got my planer thicknesser i have been busy with all the timber i had in stock after i found a new supplier. I was able to cut parts for three windows that i want to surround in Chestnut. Because of the sizes of the timber i had i couldn't make up everything i need for just one window. I had a cutting list for three windows and i have just worked from that but at least i have got lots done.

The wood below is laid out after being varnished and everything has had it's first coat. Tomorrow i should get my much needed Dust extraction unit and new router all via UPS never late using them.

These are a window sill and the front architrave. Until i get more timber i will have to wait to complete this window. 

These are one side, a top and a top part for the architrave. 

here is a window sill, and two sides complete with the architrave fitted. Only one piece to complete this window.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Come to a halt

i was so pleased that I had got so many things started after receiving my latest machine a planer thicknesser. It was ok getting so much done and so much started until I broke a vital safety bracket on  one of my machines that I had to use next to cut all the wood I had prepared for round one of the Windows. I was able to get the sill completed but it's all the other pieces that I can't finish.

I had sent for an Orbital sander and now it's come I can get six bases for table lamps ready for varnishing. Now I need to learn how to use a spray gun so I can varnish the window parts for the frame and my table lamps.

My fish tank is a job I will get on with when I have nothing else to do. Today I went online to find the best price for lighting for the tank. Amazon UK £9.99 plus delivery. Amazon Germany 10.99€ plus delivery. But Amazon Spain 10.99€ for three 32.97€ free delivery and a 3€ discount. Sorry UK free delivery from Spain is a better deal.