Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Coming back from Liverpool with Bronchitis

Most of my adult life i had suffered from a bad chest during most of the year. But after being here for a good while i noticed and so did my Mum that i was no longer suffering with a cough. It was pointed out that where i lived the air was clean and free from pollution.

I have been back now for a month and in that time i have developed a very bad cough. About a week ago i had a very bad night and thought it was time i went to the Doctors. Unlike the UK i needed no appointment you just turn up and see your Doctor  the cost was 4.50€. Within 10 minutes i was called to see Triage nurse, first because he had heard me coughing he came out with a mask i had to wear during my time with the triage nurse and the doctor. It was a small price to pay to be able to go to the Doctors without the need for the appalling appointment system the people in the UK have to endure.

Having a system like in Portugal where you pay to see the doctors makes sure your need to see the doctor  fulfilled and not time wasted.

Imagine the outcry What we have to pay to see the Doctor. Things like I paid my national insurance all my life. Your Mother or Father Daughter or Son may have a genuine need for an appointment and 12 Million appointments missed in a year.

No appointments are missed in Portugal and can you see the reason WHY.

No-show patients waste time of one GP for each surgery every week

Around 12 million appointments are missed each year, costing the NHS £160 million annually, because patients do not keep appointments 

Taken from the Telegraph Feb 6, 2015

BBC you got it wrong

For years i have watched and read the news on the BBC because it seemed fair  in it's reporting or they made it look that way. Till today

I know this turn in the road because i turned here to go to the market at Figeuro Dos Vinhos some time ago in 2017.
I used this picture because it's a turn to market i had made many times and it's known person to me.
A picture from a drone no doubt
This is the road where 11 people from the same village died a Third of the population died that day
What you see above was the aftermath of looking into the gates to Hell.  What do the BBC say about a fire on the moors they say Apocalyptic as bad as when the Sun said Liverpool fans robbed and urinated on there fellow fans at Hillsbourgh football ground. Anything for a cheap headline cheap but not accurate a bad fire but not Apocalyptic.

Where is the apocalyptic fire where is the danger that i saw in the area i live.

Does that look more dangerous than the fire in the top picture????

Here is a BBC reporter doing his job reporting just what he found and an honest report.

This how it's done in Portugal or at least in the area i live.We have water tanks all over the countryside like the one in the picture below. In the picture on the left you can see another tank being built the land was donated my my neighbour.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

I had a pillar that need attention

After cutting a whole in a wall I had a difficult job getting old chestnut to cap off one part of the opening I had cut. I made a panel up out of parque flooring but I didn't want the edging on show because it didn't look right. I first made up a test piece of how I wanted to make the moulding look but first I had to cut and shape a piece of the profile to look.

Cutting the profile was no easy task because a professional would have moulding tools or machines. Because I was only cutting a small piece of wood to put up in position to see that what idea I had in my head would look how I had figured it would. To mould a piece almost 2 meters long was beyond what I could cut but I have a friend who had the machine I needed so of I went. After a little practice I got just what I wanted and after a good varnish it looks as I had planned.

Advertising how far does it have to go

have you ever considered the subject of advertising. We can't help really because everywhere we go or look we see some form of advert. But how intrusive does advertising get Doctors surgeries, schools, hospitals but just when does advertising get just to much. I recently went by train to Porto airport and on that journey I needed to use the Loo. I was shocked so shocked I took a photo but not till after I was in the Gents on my own. Look at the picture below and yes that is a some kind of video display on the urinal yes right in front of me an advert moving and in full colour. How of was that, it's not something you expect to find when you go to the loo.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Mirranda do Corvo Market postponed

If you had been planning to go to the Miranda do Corvo market it's been postponed till the 10th June. There is an Expo in the indoor market place and due to possible rain the Camara have changed the date.

If you can please let others know to save them a wasted journey.

Above is the text i have put up on three Forums i am on. It's OK  the Camara (Council) changing the date but so many people will not have found out the market has been postponed till the next week. Lots of people are creatures of habit and thee following week they already have plans for the next weekend.

So if you know anybody who would normally go to Miranda do Corvo market please let them know.