Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 28 May 2018

Top of the tank almost done

Today has been another good day. I have managed to get the top for my fish tank finished ao should i say apart from securing down to the base it's all cut and stained  so now just securing into place.

This is the left hand side where the water filter will go.

This corner is where the last corner is and the clamps need to be taken off and joined to all the others.

This  side is where water will be treated for doing water  changes. But it's coming on.

Polluted UK

I had been reading on the BBC news website about the Pollution in UK cities. Knowing how interested i am to clean air as where i live is pollution free. I was driving to the Maternity hospital where my daughter had just had her second child a beautiful baby girl. On my way to the hospital looking ahead in the direction i was driving the sky was blue and cloud free. So i took a picture because the blue sky was nothing like i see at home in Portugal.

I took this picture the day i returned home and as you can see the picture is looking through my veranda.

The difference in colour can only be down to the pollution in the air. The report on the BBC news put London as the worst place in the UK. Liverpool came about halfway in the list of polluted cities. How glad i am that i live and breath clean air everyday apart from when i go to Liverpool to visit family.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

On a vist to a Santander bank

So many Santander banks have closed down like many others. Now it's hard to find a branch of most banks open but one is still open that I use Santander but not what you would call local. Kirkby is a overflow town outside of Liverpool long long ago it was built to take people who wanted to move out of Liverpool to a bright new town. Unlike what I have seen in Liverpool things are not so bad as I found over the last few days.

  " If you think i am cleaning up after that you can think again.
From where I parked to walk to the bank I came across well I don't know what you would call it but here goes. Something that looks like a Viking long boat with an Elephant stood in it. I tried to take the picture with the bank in the background well i couldn't but it's still a great picture.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Fish Fish Fish

During my teens I was lucky my Dad had a fish tank made for me and then another till I had three fish tanks. In those days I was new to keeping tropical fish and over the years I have had tropical fish again till now. Being retired I am now in the position to get back into the hobby of keeping tropical fish. I follow on YouTube someone called the Diyfishkeeper who got my interest in not just a fish tank as we all know them but a big tank. I have mentioned this before but I am making a big tank 5,000 litres big but this is not about the tank it's about Fish.

This fish is a Pacu from the Amazon and is related to the Piranha these fish are veggies.

I have asked on Forums over the years about finding shops that sell tropical fish. I have even found a few but after watching Joey the Diyfishkeeper on YouTube I now want something more and till yesterday I didn't quite know what I wanted. I have mentioned Oscars and I may got for them who knows but let's wait and see.

Here it is the Oscar my favourite fish that i have never had.

Because of the trouble finding a good selection here in Portugal I started looking in the UK where I know Tropical fish shops can be found everywhere. I must have called twenty shops by email asking if they have the means to export Tropical fish. Most didn't reply a few did but really you can only get quantity from the likes of the fish breeders in Thailand, Vietnam or in fact most Countries in Asia.

What could look so majestic than a silver Arrowana. They grow in the wild to about a Metre or over a Yard.

I started my search again online and found as Spain was not far away I started my search again in Madrid. After all a round trip Madrid and back could take a good day so that was it. After finding so many in Madrid I started to look in Salamanca and then Valladolid. At least now I know I can see the variety of those I may choose to have and the advertised price is so much better than importing.

Unlike the other these Platinum Angle fish don't grow very big and i would need about 20 or more in my tank.
That's my short list and i don't know just what to have yet nut i have lots more to the tank to do.

I have three choices as I said Oscars, Platinum Angels or Silver Arrowana. Oscars I could only have about six at the most. Angels as they don't get as huge as Oscars I could have twenty. But I am leaning towards Arrowanas but as these even in a large tank can get to 70/80 cm and in the wild over a metre so six would be the maximum. I will post pictures when I can I can't now because this damm Ipad won't let me.