Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 26 December 2022

It's time for a refill

 The rain has stopped but the lane is still wet nothing changes. I often joke about in the distance you can see the clouds refilling. The picture below you can see the clouds taking the time to refill and then come back to drown use again.

But it does make a great picture.


Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Leyroy Merlin a result

Going back before the dark days that are now Brexit life was easy. I could order what i wanted from the UK from Ebay Amazon and more. I built a 5,000 LT tropical fish tank and needed a special silicon that is Fish safe easy just order and it soon came. I was able to finish putting the big sheet of glass. I had just enough over for when i made another  tank 1.2M long.  

Then we come to today  I plan soon in the New Year to make another 1.2M long tank and will need more silicon. Looking at Ebay for example the silicon was not expensive but the delivery £13 and £6 for import taxes.

I then looked at buying from Spain or Germany for something weighing less than 300gr delivery was crazy. I started to look at Portugal and found silicon but the price was again high i feel like i have to pay a penalty just to make a fish tank.

While shopping in Leyroy Merlin i asked a lady assistant who took me to a huge silicon display. Unknown to me the assistant went straight for the special silicon i needed.

Now i have to order the glass i need but that can wait a few weeks.

This picture is as the lights come on early the morning. But like this i am making another tank like this one.

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

A second home

 A little while ago a carpenter friend of mine came to see me and while having a cup of tea i learnt the reason for his visit.

The guy who made my bathroom for me owned a house just behind mine. It seemed that he remembered me and asked my friend to see if i would like to buy the house. It was easy i just said yes and the price was one i was very happy with. 

The house needs a bit more work than my present home did when i moved in.

I signed what is called a promissory contract and paid my deposit. I signed the day before i was to travel to Liverpool so i left my  friend the carpenter to get the legal documents signed for me.

Getting back from Liverpool i just wanted the contract in my hands. When i got the documents i relaxed a bit the house is mine i just need to pay the balance.


More than just a blood test

 While at the clinic for my blood test i was given a plastic container to give a sample of Urine, That seemed to be normal but what came next not what i expected i was given three sample jars and not for Urine. 

I took the three samples back to the clinic this morning at 10am. Getting back this afternoon i checked my email and found an email from the Clinic. I had the results in a matter of a few hours and i soon printed the results. Tomorrow i will be going to see the doctor with all test results and the Xray i had had to have.

So NHS about 6 hours to process and finish my tests and send me my results.

Monday, 19 December 2022

Google is at it again

Today i was abe to take a screen shot of the message from Google. On the bottom of the picture it says between 3 TO 5 Days. But it's better than when it said 30 days.



Sunday, 18 December 2022

I went for a Blood test

 Each year i go for a full body blood test. I go in the hope that should something be wrong then the test may show it early.

I went just before noon on Thursday for my Blood test and all went fine until. Before i got out of bed i checked my emails and i had the results sent to me. 

Wow NHS you couldn't do better than that could you.

I received a phone call later in the morning i asked why they called me i was going .anyway. I was told my Blood sugar was a little higher than last year so of to the doctors on Monday morning to find out what's wrong.

The thing that amazed me was getting my results in about 20 hours thank you is all i can say.

I often look out across the valley

 When i look out across the valley in the distance i can see the mist. I often joke about it's a place for the rain clouds to fill up.

It has rained constantly now for weeks stopping only for the poor tired clouds to have a little rest before they come back again with more rain.

There is a little dried stream that i pass often each day but now it's a raging torrent from all the rain we have had.

There is a video of the Torrent and a couple of pictures all because of Global warming i think.


It's almost Christmas and time for a laugh

I have in the past at Christmas found a funny cartoon. This year i for two the i wanted to share so her they are.

For now Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to my someone special


I have been back to Liverpool and got locked out of my Blog

 I have just been back to the UK for a quick trip. A quick trip to me is for 2 days is i  get in to Liverpool  at 4.50 pm on a Monday and leave at 10.15am 2 days later.

But the problem was to get my flight i had to get a taxi and when the taxi came i ran out of the door door getting my phone was on charge.

The big problem in bot having my phone is that Google now wants two kinds of Verification first your password . That's ok when you have a machine like mine that remembers your passwords. Google now wants a second verification it sends a message to your phone. Great my phone is in another country it's taken me weeks to finally get back into my Blog.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

It's still raining

 It started raining about 2 weeks ago and apart from the clouds going off to refill it's not stopped.

A tiny dried up stream where i get stones for my fish tanks is now a raging torrent.

The river through Gois has risen considerably and friends who normally swim in the river now have to go and swim indoors. 

Another week of rain and then it's dry days again and nobody will miss the rain till it comes again maybe into the new year.

Friday, 11 November 2022

What an amazing table on Youtube

I have been working with wood for a while now. I saw a Youtube video of a guy making a table from off cuts of various woods. Below is a picture of the table from the Youtube video i saw today.

I have lots of off cuts that i have kept without having anything to use them for. Now after watching this video i know what to do with all the bits of wood i have.

Try the link below to see what got my excited for my next project.