Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 18 February 2019

The dream goes on hold for a while

For a long time now I have been traveling back to Liverpool to see my Mum who sadly is not in the best of health. It hurts getting back in my seat on the plane taking me home to Portugal after hearing my Mum say during my visit " Why won't they let me go ". Mums quality of life could not now get any worse and it is so sad to see.

I was traveling to Liverpool soon for my birthday and had hoped to have a meal out with my daughter, sons and grandchildren. Now this has been spoilt as one of my sons works abroad and will be away at the time of my birthday. Not having the best of luck at the time but that's life I have just got to make the best I can under the circumstances.

Although I love my life here in Portugal I have to think about my Mum who has 4 carers who come in during the day to help her. During the night is the time Mum needs someone with her at night time as that's now the problem time for her. Now when I go over to Liverpool for my birthday I am staying indefinitely to be there when Mum needs someone's help.

Because of the amount of Spice stock I am holding and because of dates I will be going back for a market I go to each month. I will fly in on a Friday and fly back to Liverpool on the following Monday  so I will be able to check on my house to see it's ok during my absence.  Who knows how long this will go on for who knows but Mum needs me right now.

1 comment:

  1. Not an easy time for you Peter..thinking of you and sending you hugs..Anne
