Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Sunday, 12 February 2012

My Mum nearly ready to come home.

Today i should have been flying home after my visit to see my Mum. Mum had to go back into hospital for her fourth hip operation. The first two had to be removed due to an infection, the third was for a spacer to be fitted to allow her wound area to recover and now she has had her new permanent hip fitted. A side effect has been that due to the amount of drugs she has had and the stopping of her normal pain medicine caused Mum to suffer a living nightmare. I have often had a dream and woke up wanting to be able to remember what it was i had dreamt about, well Mum had what we can only call a nightmare but it was happening while she was awake. Mum was awake while she could see things growing on my face and around my neck. She remembers vividly being taken to Manchester on a transporter. All this was part of her nightmare that was while she was wide awake. I can't begin to understand what Mum has been through but i am glad to see that she is no over this part of her recovery.

After what happened during the week it's good to see the progress that has been made in the last few days. We have now been told that all that's needed now is for the doctor to release Mum so she can come home to complete her recovery. Hopefully releast day should be Monday i hope so i can have some time with Mum at home before i fly of into the sun to my in the sun.

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