Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Credit where credits due

This Blog is now over a decade old and i have enjoyed ever minute spent writing my thoughts sometimes rants.

Over time i have been helped just when i needed it the most. Like recent where i have had trouble at the local health center this time i received two offers of help.

My problem is now solved thankfully.

I am sure that over the coming years i will again receive help but for now a big.


Meo a totally crap company

 On Thursday an engineer came to install my new Internet and TV package. I have seen speeds that before i could only dream about so my internet is OK. My previous speeds would be less than 1mbps now i am getting over 20 times more speed.










I was given a new landline that i could use in the nearest town, but it's a landline OK. I have tried since Thursday evening to get the phone to work And to get the TV unscrambled a total waste of time,

Before the engineer left he said it would take over half an hour for the TV unit to find all the channels so i waited. I have a package that gives me free calls to 50 countries But when does that start.

Quite a few problems i say and you may agree.I gave up waiting after 45 minutes being on hold.

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Mikrogeophagus ramirezi ????


In the late Sixties i became interested in tropical fish and my most favourite was called a Ramerizi cichlid a picture of a male is listed below. I was so proud of myself when i could pronounce the Latin name Apistogramma Ramerizi.

There was a a monthly magazine that i used to read called Tropical Fish Hobbyist. I found a story of some scientist who reclassified My favourite fish as Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi. I had worked hard to be able to pronounce with pride to my family the name of my fish.

Now over 50 years later i now have fish again but i also got three Ramirezi a couple of weeks ago. It's very difficult to sex these fish but learnt how many years ago. I got myself what i thought was one male and two females. Over the last few weeks as the fish have settled down in my tank i now could see two males OK a bonus.

Today when i went to feed the fish room this morning i find i now have three males. The problem now is i need to buy at least four or five females as i would like to breed them again.

I have ordered the glass to make four tanks to start a breeding program more about that when i get the glass and the new tank.


Sunday, 18 July 2021

Coming to a milestone in less that a month.

As the title says I am coming to a milestone in my life here in Portugal. It's now only 10 days and i would have arrived overland to my new home here in Portugal. I  arrived here on the 1st August 2011 in my Transit van and huge box trailer ready for my new life to start. Problem was i was a little early 12 days early but i just wanted to get away from Life in the UK.

When you buy a property here in Portugal All parties sellers, buyer and the legal crew meet at the Notary office. Well this was all done on the afternoon of the 12th August but to late in the day to move in. So it turned out to be the 13th August when i eventually move into my new home. 

What's prompted me to write this post weeks early easy Covid.

OK what has Covid got to do with moving to a house 10 years ago. let me tell you life here is almost perfect until Covid came. The only thing to affect me is going to see the doctor it is now almost imposible to get to see my doctor. 

The problem is the people on the Reception, i use a translation app to ask for help but all i get is someone talking fast in Portuguese. The local Council and the Tax office at times when needed use translation programs.

I need to get my Vaccine card signed with the details of my second injection i have been three times and still the won't sign my card. It's almost like the UK you can go into the doctors but you then have to leave because the reception staff offer no help what so ever.

Sorry for this Rant but it helps to get things of your chest.

Saturday, 17 July 2021

Taken for a fool

In my village there is a house owned by a woman from Dover in the UK. I have had the land cleared on her behalf because of the fire hazard to this area. This time after a number of emails she has ignored my request for payment.

If you are living in the area of Dover and know Michelle Rices  then avoid her if you don't want to be conned.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

A new fish tank.

 A long time ago i found a glass company who replied to me withing a couple of hours. Other companies here in Portugal either took days to reply or didn't even reply to my email.

I am going to build a tank split into four compartments in it. My problem was it took me most of the afternoon to find the company because i had forgotten the company's name. After hours of searching i remembered i had there number on my phone but also there name.

It's now 11 pm and i expect that i will have a price for what i want by the time i am up in the morning. 

The company are about 100 kilometers away from me but well worth dealing with.

Remember the song OH happy day.

For a long time i have had a big ugly skin tag on my face. For my luck my glasses hid it for a while and it grew to the size of a big pea.

I asked my doctor twice if he could remove it and all he said was on my next visit he would remove it for me. But that promise came and went. 

I have often removed skin tags under my arm all it took was a knot round the tag and it would soon drop off. 

I couple of friends gave me some leaves to rub on to the tag guess what it did nothing. Silly me believed them and gave it a good try till in the end i gave up. This has been with me now for about a good three years and it needed to go.

I went back to the cotton knotted round the tag, because i couldn't see progress i tied more cotton round the tag. In total i had three knots tied round the tag and i started picking at it well tonight i am Tag free i had picked it off.

It may not be a nice subject to talk about but i do feel so good so really good. My granddaughter will be so happy and i will take a picture and send it to her before i go to bed tonight. 

Now you know where the title came from So it is Oh happy day for me it is.

Friday, 9 July 2021

A sensible decision

In my previous business i saw so many people living on State handouts in the UK it's called the DOLE. Lots of my customers had never done i hard days work in there life but could afford  cigarettes and plenty of Booze.

Then came a new Rule that limited the amount of State aide that people could get. The best part was the limit on a family having children was limited to only 2 Children, please read the article below.......

Campaigners have lost their legal challenge to the government's two-child limit on welfare payments.

They had argued the policy breached parents' and children's human rights. The Supreme Court dismissed their case.

The rule, which came into force in April 2017, restricts child tax credit and universal credit to the first two children in a family, with a few exceptions.

It was one of George Osborne's most debated austerity measures.

The policy has affected families of about one million children. Campaigners described the decision as "hugely disappointing".

Mothers' case

The case was brought by two lone mothers and their children, supported by the Child Poverty Action Group. The court ruled they should not be identified.

One had health problems and was in low-paid work. The other fell pregnant while on the pill. Both had children born after April 2017 and so were affected financially by the policy.

They said the two-child policy was incompatible with human rights laws. Their argument was rejected in the lower courts.

Seven justices at the Supreme Court - the highest court in the UK - unanimously dismissed their appeal against the earlier rulings.

Campaigners argued the rules unlawfully discriminated against different groups including children, large families, women, and those with a religious or moral objection to the use of birth control. 

Lawyers representing two families who brought the legal challenge argued that the limit would cause "deep and inescapable child poverty" and "fails to recognise children as deserving of social protection in their own right".

However, the government had always argued that the policy aimed to ensure that welfare spending was sustainable and fair to the taxpayer while protecting the most vulnerable.

Supreme Court President Lord Reed, giving the judgement, said the policy pursued a legitimate aim to protect the economic wellbeing of the country.

He added that while the policy had a disproportionate impact on women, Parliament had decided that was outweighed by the importance of its aim - something which the justices had no basis to properly take a different view.

He said the justices rejected the argument that the two-child limit was intended to discourage women in receipt of the benefits from having more than two children and so violated their right to respect for their private and family life.

Carla Clarke, head of strategic litigation at Child Poverty Action Group, which represented the mothers and children, said: "This is a hugely disappointing judgment which fails to give any meaningful recognition to the reality of the policy on the ground and its desperately unfair impact on children."

She said they were considering whether to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

A government spokesman said: "This policy asks families on benefits to make the same financial decisions as families supporting themselves solely through work.

"No child born before the policy was introduced is included, and child benefit continues to be paid for all children. We also have a comprehensive childcare support offer for working parents."

Friday, 2 July 2021

Work started in the olive grove

 I have now started work in the Olive grove. The ground is not like you would find in most gardens around the world . The Olive grove is on a small slope and faces the sun all day. Because of this the ground is extremely hard and difficult to dig and a variety of tools are needed to dig a hole.

Today i have already dug a hole more than big enough for my lemon tree to live. I expected that the compost would come of the roots but that didn't happen thankfully. It was a case of just lifting the tree and the pot was empty when the tree was lifted and happy days. 

Because of the heat i can't water my Orange tree and lemon tree till it gets cool tonight. I am sure that they will need a well earned drink tonight as i will.

At the moment my Acer needs to be moved but i am tempted to leave it where it is for now.