Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Can you guess what you see in the photo before reading the text

Most people get fed up with rain but not me . My estate all 124sqm is under normal circumstances rock hard as it sits facing the sun all day. It's only that we have had a lot of rain that now i can do something with the ground. To get something done for my next project i needed a steel wrecking bar. This is a 5ft long steel bar that i used to break up the ground, even though we have had more than our share of rain the ground under the surface is still hard to work.

 I needed to get some posts into the ground to build what you can see in the photo. I know what it looks like but it's not a badly made fence. Yes it may be badly made but it's not even a fence for horse jumping. I need to put another 4 length's of wood. The wood is that dam Eucalyptus and i have been given all i need to build 3 of what you see and enough to build most of my Veranda apart from the floor boards. At the front of the photo will be another one and at the front of my estate i will have the last one. I have a lot of trimmings from pruning my Olive trees and along with leaves etc also horse manure and all covered with wood shavings to go behind the wall as i will call it and on top will be soil. Soil is not quite the right word, the amount of stones in the soil will be a bit interesting. I will do my best to remove the stones and find a use for them or put them on Ebay as rare Portuguese stone.

Well the walls will be twice the height you can see in the photo and when finished i will have some level and fertile land to use for planting on and in it.

At the front will be where the Mushrooms will grow, and at one end will be Blue Oyster and the other end will be White cap Mushrooms. All surplus mushrooms  and my surplus eggs once the girls start laying will be sold.

For family in the background you can see a ladder. That is the ladder that my Dad gave me and it is such a help when pruning my Olive orchard OK a couple of Olive trees but orchard sounds better.

The last two days have been very hot and with a cloudless sky.  Carrying tree trunks up a steep slope was back breaking in this heat but i finished the first terrace and completed one end. This will give me a level working area so no bending down doing work with whatever i plant on the top.

Now you can see what i have done today. Terrace number two is half made but due to the weight of the tree trunks and the step slope progress today was slow.
If you can imagine Jesus dragging his cross around, well that's how i felt. These tree trunks may not seem much but in this heat and there weight. With luck tomorrow it won't be that hot that it makes work difficult. I would hope to complete the second terrace. The next step will be a complete new post and the rest of the story.

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