Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 21 May 2012

Chickens but look how they have come on.

I have just been looking back at some of the pictures of my Chickens and decided to take some more and update the Blog.

So today i am proud to show just how they have came on in the last few weeks since i first got my Chickens and the pleasure they have given me.

This is where it all began, i was someone who had never kept Chickens before but knew i could get help and advice if i needed it.

All credit to Greg and Andrea who are the breeders. I saw just how much they care for there Chickens and i am glad i got to know them.

Here you can see No6. Why No6 well it goes back to the late 1960's and a program i was a fan of. No6 was a prisoner just like my No6 but this No6 gets a good life.

You can see the difference with this one, this is No1 or Chelsee or Babara. My son calls this one Barbara " private joke " My Grandaugher calls this one Chelsee.

I did try to get pictures of the others but getting them to stay still is impossible. One of the other three can be seen in the picture with No6. They have space to play plenty of food. The normal Chicken food but also plenty of green leaves cabbage etc also boiled rice. To make rice easy i have a rice cooker and make enough for four portions at a time. Enough to put into a container and freeze it for later. They get rice every other day as i try to give a varied diet.

They are now about 16 weeks of age and another 4/6 weeks before they start to lay eggs. Now i need to build egg boxes so they can have there own place to lay eggs.

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