Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 29 October 2018

A shock on a tiny lane

As I leave my village and at the bottom of the lane I turn to go to the main road. As I turn onto the lane that is only as wide as a car but there are a number of parts where the lane is cut back where is possible to pass another car if you are brave. OK I may have exaggerated a bit but it really is narrow but as I drove along to get to the main road I turned a bend. Just around the bend came three 4X4 cars  and as they saw me they pulled over into a narrow ditch but not a deep one.

Ok a bad picture but i didn't get out of my van to take the picture.

Further down the lane I came upon a place that you can see a little stream  but not today. Today a number of 4X4's where driving down from the lane onto the bed of the stream. Along the lane where what looked like ribbons hanging as markers these ribbons where red and white but could be easily seen by those in the 4X4's.

Here is the exit from the stream that only runs after the rains come.

On my return much later I saw where the drivers exited the stream bed and back onto the lane. From the lane they then went up into the forest, well it's somebodies idea of fun.

This is the marker for the turn into the forest. A steep turn between the trees.

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