Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Thursday, 11 October 2018

I drive down a tiny lane everyday

Every day when i go out i travel down a very little lane. The lane is only as wide as a car but has places for passing.The first time i came down the lane since my recent trip to Liverpool i came across a bench seat at the side of the road.

This lane is used by ladies from one village to walk to the next village or just for exercise.

I don't know who put this here for the ladies to perhaps take a break on there walk but i thing it's going to be well used.

The next two pictures show just how narrow the lane is 

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps that road was once used by bull chariots not cars, that would explain how narrow it is, 15-20 years ago there are plenty of chariots, nowadays the farmers are using tractors some of them with air conditioning, sure things are changing but not that road (the metallic chair is a bonus for some to relax)
