Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Oh it's good to be back

Coming back is always tinged with sadness I don't get to see as much of my Mum as I would like and at 93 years of age time is not on our side. The airport and flight went as expected but leaving the airport the Metro was already in the station at Porto airport. The time I would have to wait to get a ticket I could have missed the Metro to Campanha station. I not wanting to miss the Metro I didn't get a ticket I took a chance but I am glad to say I got away with it.

The train from Campanha left at 8.40 pm and if I had missed the Metro I would not have got the train. The next train would have been at 10.05 pm.  By the time I got of the train it would have been after midnight before I got home instead of 10.46 PM.

Getting home at the time I did gave me the chance to put all my washing in my washing machine so it would be done for when I get up next morning. Next I had to make bread but using the timer I was able to have fresh hot bread when I got up. Next thing I had to do was switch the hot water on and it was hot for when I needed a shower before I went to bed.

All in all it was not a bad day.


  1. Hi Peter, over time it seems you act more like the Portuguese way of being. British roots but iberian spices. ;-)

    1. I feel blessed to be in this wonderful country and the least i can do is enjoy everything i can. Thanks
