Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Monday, 30 December 2019

In my dreams

Just look how beautiful these tanks are.. I took these pictures from a Youtube video about the worlds top fish tank layout designers.
 Absolutely amazing
Never could i make my tank look this good.
 A world champion tank
Eleven months work to get a tank this good

Sunday, 29 December 2019

A good curry Oh dear

There is nothing like a good curry and for me having about 100 Herbs and Spices making a good curry should not be a problem.
I like to make different curries so i use a recipe from the BBC website. I just type in curry BBC and find the type i want that's how i would normally find a curry recipe until now.

Normal ingredients for most people to have is stock to make a good curry.

Now look at the picture below and read the first line of the instruction on what to do with the recipe. Come along to the word Tandoori Ooooop BBC where in the recipe does it say to use Tandoori paste.
So readers if you follow like i do to find a curry recipe  then make a good check of what the BBC list.

Friday, 27 December 2019

I have spoken about the rain but Now

After enduring constant rain for week It has finally come to a stop but for how long nobody knows.

I go back to the UK to help my son on a project that needs my help. I leave on Monday and look at the weather from today till after i go clear skies how good does that forecast look.

Thursday, 26 December 2019

It's that time of year again

All year at one of the markets i go to i help someone who struggles to even unload there car. I unload and then reload there car every market time. For me the worse time is Christmas when i am given a gift for all i have done all year. It does embarrasses me but i don't do it for recolonisation of a good thing done for someone else.

I am going back to the UK again to help one of my children who need me to help with some construction work he is unable to do. I have told all of my children while i can help i will but the time will come when i can't help.

I am nothing unique everybody can think of things they have done and often more than i do.

I have just had another great Christmas and i have been reading a sad story of children who because of abuse they are in a refuge. I will certainly be thinking of others this coming New Year.

It's not about what others can do for you but you can do so much more for others.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

OK Merry Christmas from me

This is a difficult year i have two Greeting for you to have a laugh at i couldn't decide the best so i have picked two for this year.

Another tank update

Recently i have finished putting the stones from a dried up stream into my tank. The window is now fitted and ready for water.
The picture below is when i had to stop filling the tank due to the storm outside and i had to go out in it to get the hose and bring it inside but it will be filled soon.
In front of these stones will be a layer of sand for plants to grow. In the stones are caves for the fish to go in and with some of them they will go in to breed.

In the picture about will with luck a number of Bonsai trees all dead but they will give the look i want

Wet Christmas is coming

Well we are well on the way to Christmas 2019. This is the second out of 8 years that i have enjoyed Christmas here in Portugal. But this is the second year that it's rained and rained and rained.  Here at the side of the roads are gullies to take the water away. Unlike in the UK where the drains where main so long ago and not maintained that you get floods.

Here in Portugal we don't get floods because the Portuguese people have learnt from years and years of dealing with the rain in the winters and now there is little problems.

Small dried up streams that had been dry most of the years suddenly become a flowing torrent and after a while it all goes back to normal. The main problem is the Clouds they drop there rain and when they are empty more take there place and the empty clouds just go off and refill.

The last week when the rain started it didn't stop for about four days and when it stopped it was only for a few hours when it soon started agin.

Oh well the summer is coming

Saturday, 14 December 2019

Thanks UPS

A long long time ago a parcel was sent to me one Christmas that never turned up at my address. On various Forums it seems it's common for parcel companies to not to bother to deliver to addresses up in little villages.However i used a company for my Spices deliveries who allowed me to send in a Courier of my choice. I tried UPS and now four years later they are the only company i use.

This week i have had % parcels delivered to me by UPS and having the same driver deliver to me for a long time he calls me on the phone. A local Cafe in town takes parcels in for lots of the local Expats me included. 

I had about 2 years ago a company who after telling me they would use UPS sent a parcel via DHL. Where the drive would have stopped in my village i was working with 4 other people at the time the driver claimed that my house was empty and no body was home. The truth was he couldn't be bothered to drive just of the main road to my address.

I called DHL only to be told the driver found nobody was home and that they would re book  the delivery. Well 4 people where working next to where the driver would have stopped to come to my house. Again i called to complain but i was told that i should have been at home for the delivery but they had now sent the parcel back to the sender.

I have needed a Gazebo no for a long time after i had one of the cheap gazebos that are just tubes of thin steel up put together. I got rid of this cheap piece of junk a while ago until now. I had a new gazebo delivered to my daughter who checked it was the type i wanted and needed and it was.

Today despite the rain coming i was able to attend a market that i would have had to miss all down to UPS and my favourite driver. When i was ready i was able to load up the van and nothing got wet  Thank you UPS see you again soon.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

What a table top

While going for a walk last week i saw a picnic area close by a river. As you can see the table top has been made from a solid piece of stone spoilt only by the wooden table/ bench next to the stone table.

Over the top use by date

Seeing dates on food is something i am interested in  and i found a Jem today. It's almost Christmas and while i was in Coimbra i went to Makro. I had decided a long time ago to Have Lamb this year for my Christmas dinner. Makro have New Zealand lamb from whole lambs to all the parts all cut and prepared. On the label it only has one ingredients LAMB but then i noticed the label.

The label says to use by 16.04.2022 so much for what the NHS recommends but this Lamb was killed on the 17.04.2019. Seems an over the top Use by date,

Date and label meat in the freezer and eat it within 24 hours of defrosting. You can freeze meat for a long time and it will still be safe to eat, but the quality will deteriorate so it's best to eat it within 3 to 6 months. Health Service › uk › live-well › eat-well › how-to-store-food-a...

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Window fitted

It's now about two years that i have been building my fish tank but with the work inside my house it is taking some time to finish and get running.

Here is a shot from the front where you can now see the glass window is now in place.

Also i have a couple of dead Bonsai trees it is now close to how i wanted the tank to be.

 Every stone was acid tested and individually scrubbed clean.

 Here in this corner i have a few little caves for the fish.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

OK Christmas is coming

OK Christmas is coming but Christmas is for the young and Children. But what about us Grandparents?

Here is my fairy out for another Christmas along with her Christmas lights in the shape of Skulls.
My new granddaughter has her second Christmas but still she is to young to understand but i know she will have an amazing time.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Some months ago

Some months ago a customer was looking at some of my cutting boards i had on display. She asked if i could make one in the shape of the state of Wisconsin in the USA because that is where she comes from. I straight away said yes but it would take me some time now i had to find out how i would . Happily i said yes  it would be ready for Christmas the lady said that would be fine.

Due to Mum's poor health i went back to Liverpool and while there i used to go to a wood turners club to help me with lathe skills. One day i was there i found that a machine was for sale and straight away knew it would be ideal because it was a fretsaw machine and for £20 it was a bargain at that price.

I have used UPS now for over 4 years and just got UPS to deliver my new toy in time for my next trip back to my home in Portugal. Last months was the first time that i was able to show to the lady what it would look like.

This is the lady with me showing of here new Cheese board. Wisconsin is the cheese state in the USA and for mu customer she was so happy.
I now have to make a board in the shape of Yorkshire in the UK.
Another in the shape of Australia. One also in the shape of Portugal but bigger that the one i had on show at the market.

This photo is the happy end to this story but the start of something else i can now take pleasure in doing and making people anything they can dream of.

Saturday, 30 November 2019

The best meal of the day

Everyday i start the day with breakfast like many millions worldwide do. I am a creature of habit poached eggs on toast but no ordinary toast i make my own bread. Finding out that Walnuts are good for me i make my bread and chop up some Walnuts to my bread.

Here is where i start first i go and pick some Chives from the bottom of the lane.

Next it's a chunk of extra mature cheddar cheese.

Finally it's the eggs and cook until the yolk is hard. I don't like a soft runny egg so it's always got to be hard.
On top of my toast i put some Tomato ketchup that i make myself but this latest batch i used Smoked Paprika to add a smoky taste.

Cheese boards

At a market i go to i mentioned to a customer that i was making cutting boards. She joked or i think she was joking that she wanted one in the shape of the State in America that she comes from.
All boards i make have to get at least 8 coats of Mineral oil because it is being used for food. All boards are made from Chestnut because it's a good wood fro making cutting boards.

This board is is in the shape of a State in the USA. Before it was oiled i took the board for the lady to see and she was very emotional when she say it. Now it's ready i will take it to give to the lady

This board is actually Portugal . Because of the shape i have had to order a special sanding machine to make these boards a little easier to make.

Finally we come to the Iberian peninsular. This board was not to difficult to make but my new sander will make it so easy to make more.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

A very strange sound

On Wednesday of this week i came out of my house first to go downstairs to put my washing in the machine. The second time i came out it was to go over to see Chicco.

Each time as i came out of my house the first thing i noticed and to be honest it concerned me . There was no sound not a bird or the people picking olives down in the valley. not even a sound from the traffic on the main road although some distance awa.

Not far away you can always hear the loggers at work but Today. Nothing it was a very strange feeling complete silence.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

What about the sell by date

I have been selling Himalayan rock salt now for quite some time. Today on the company site i order from i read some information about the salt i was about to order. It seems that the various salts from the company i use have a use by date.Why i ask when they have been taken from the grounds where they have been for Millions of years.

 If the salts have been in the ground for Millions of years Why do they need a sell by date. If they have lasted for Millions of years why after the sell by date should they be thrown away???

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Remember the once Great Britan

I read of the fears over the crops in the fields not being collected and it can only bring with it higher food prices. I read on the BBC news website and i have copied and pasted it in full below.. How glad i am to be living without the problems facing people in the coming months and years ahead.

From the BBC news website

Pigs in blankets and other festive meal treats might be in short supply this Christmas, the British Meat Processors Association has warned.
It says 60% of the labour force in UK meat plants comes from other countries and the industry is not attracting enough seasonal EU workers.
Its chief executive, Nick Allen, told the BBC that wrapping cocktail sausages in bacon was done by hand.
He said the job was "fiddly and hard to mechanise".
At the same time, the British Poultry Council warned that "finding sufficient labour is becoming a massive challenge for the poultry meat sector as the uncertainty around Brexit is prompting many of our workers to seek jobs in other countries".
It said that if the shortage of workers continued post-Brexit, it would "pose a risk to the affordability of British food".

Rural areas

The British Meat Processors Association said there was a difficulty in attracting UK nationals to work in meat plants, because they tended to be in rural areas where there was low unemployment.
"Ever since Brexit happened, it's become hard to hold on to European labour," Mr Allen said.
The sharp fall in the value of the pound had amounted to a reduction in wages for them, he added, while "the message coming out of the UK is not exactly welcoming".
But he added: "It's not just a Brexit issue." The working conditions in meat plants, including the low temperatures need to preserve the meat, made it hard to attract workers, while demand for seasonal labour was naturally higher in other sectors too, especially delivering Christmas cards and parcels.

Do you work in the meat processing industry? Would you be willing to tell us about it and what it's like? Email

Economic mainstay

The British Meat Processors Association represents the majority of companies working in the British meat industry, handling beef, lamb and pork products.
Its members are responsible for supplying fresh meat and meat products to retailers, restaurants and food service companies throughout the UK.
The industry employs about 75,000 people and is worth more than £7bn a year to the British economy.
Meanwhile, the UK poultry industry employs more than 37,000 people and contributes more than £3bn a year to the economy.
A spokesperson for the British Poultry Council said the industry had grown "beyond the UK labour availability in the areas we operate".
This meant that it needed to find 7,200 non-UK workers every year to fill its vacancies.
The spokesperson added: "If these vacancies cannot be filled post-Brexit, we will not have access to the labour needed to feed this nation, which will have a significant impact on the production of, and therefore cost of food.
"This in turn would pose a risk to the affordability of British food."

Saturday, 26 October 2019

It's olive picking time

It's that time every two years that the Olive trees give a bumper crop. Today as i was having a shower i heard voices that being unusual because i am the only one in my village. I quickly finished so i could see where the voices where coming from. I could hear from my veranda voices but couldn't see where they where coming from, strange.

When it was time to make my breakfast as usual i went down the lane to pick some chives to put in my poached eggs. What i saw was a family picking the Olives from the trees in front of my house. Three generations Mum, two daughters and a granddaughter three generations out for another days Olive picking.

What o couldn't understand was that Mum the elder of the family was the one to climb the trees to prune and pick the Olives that where high from the ground. The ground below the trees was covered in sheets to collect the crop when it was removed from the trees.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

The top 500 computer operating systems

Over the years on various Forums i use i have seen people warn members about scams, virus or other general problems. I have always answered why not consider moving computer system to Linux. The trust in windows and it's continual known problems don't seem to put people off. A whole industry has grown up to sort these problems out.

If Linux is such rubbish as is said on answers on Forums then how come it works on the top 500 supercomputers in the world.

For what it's worth i don't have any anti virus software on my computer. It has been proven that someone could write a virus and it has been proven in a laboratory but none have been found in the wild.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Christmas Bazaar

It may be early to announce a Christmas Bazaar but a few weeks ago i was invited to attend a Christmas Bazaar. This Christmas Bazaar is in aid of charity. This charity looks after some of the locals who without the help face the coming months in difficulty.
This is my fourth time i have attended with my Herbs and Spices. At one of the other times i went to the Christmas Bazaar i was told some of the things they do for the local less well off people.  One old lady was given a gas bottle so she could cook her meals on her stove.
Why do i mention this now in October well as i enjoy the quality of my life it is nice to think i have done something that may help others.

Two amazing pieces of wood.

This last week i had to have some welding work done to a door into my cellar. I had to go into town to pick the welder up because there car was in the local garage.

While at the welders i saw on a pallet some wood and i had to have a look. I found the two pieces you can see here these are what i have been told are London Lyme. I have searched but can't find any London Lyme but who cares. I put my silicone gun on top to show some kind of scale.

These two boards should make amazing cutting boards. Both have faults but epoxy resin will repair them

The State of Wisconsin

while in the UK on the many trips i made up to now this year i got myself a scroll saw machine. I make cutting boards in my spare time and during conversation at the market i was asked if i could make one for a customer. What she wanted was a cutting board in the shape of the State of Wisconsin in the USA.

I had a piece of wood big enough so i gave it a try and here it is. Now it needs sanding all the way round and many coats of food grade mineral oil.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Himalayan Pink salt

Today i was shopping in a major supermarket in a place called Lousa. Lousa is the nearest major town to where i live but not the only town with supermarkets. I always have a look at the price of the Spices on display and marvel at the prices being charged.

Today i saw that they now have on show Himalayan pink salt. I buy 25 kilo and with the cost to get it to me i charge what i consider is a fair price. The price per kilo i sell is even cheaper than i have seen on Ebay. My price for a Kilo is 4.50€ Today i saw a major supermarket charging a little under 20€ per kilo.

As soon as i can get the correct type of bags i will be doing 2 kilo for only 8€ supermarkets beat that

Monday, 30 September 2019

The first of many made with my new machine

Sunday night a neighbour arrived back from a trip back to the UK.It was arranged that i send a parcel to my friends house for them to bring it over for me. I had already agreed to make a Dolphin board but what i think will happen is this will become a piece of wall art.
The shape has been cut but there is still lots more to do before it's finished but i have all the time in the world to complete this my first job.
After this my next job is to make a cutting board in the shape of the state of Wisconsin.

My Friend Ashley

Last night i received the news my Mum had passed away. At the moment my sister emailed me i was talking to my great friend Ashley. Ashley had been asking about my Mum and i was telling him what i knew from the last time i called the care home. While we where talking i received an email I said to Ashley to shut up something i would never treat a friend like that but i was reading about my Mum passing.

Ashley was the first i told but of coarse so many people ask how my Mum is many have only got to know Me on my Blog. Many of those who called or sent messages are people i know . The first message i received was on my Blog.

It shows the kindness when people who have never met me send such kind remarks.

Thank you too you all

R.I.P Mum

We all say we have the best Mum and today the Best Mum i could have ever had passed away. She is now with my Dad and elder brother Brian in heaven.

29th September 2019 Irene Maud Calder R.I.P

All i ask it that readers of my Blog spend some time to think of there own Mum after all you only get one Mum.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

My machine is on it's way

Some time ago at a woodworking club i got myself a Fret saw machine. From the picture above you can see some of the cutting boards i make. But i wanted to do more something unique.
Someone i met at one of the markets i go to asked if i could make a cutting board in the shape of the state in the USA that she comes from. This only came about because i mentioned about the machine i was waiting for.

This is not my machine but it is similar and can do all i want.

Now this was the challenge i took on and when my machine arrives i will make a cutting board from this line drawing.

This dolphin is a replacement for one i offered to make for a friend.

But where do you start first you need to put the image onto the chosen piece of wood but how, The journey started in China of all places. But before China i remembered a job in my youth i had to write out an invoice but first was the carbon paper. Carbon paper transferred what you wrote on one sheet of paper and copied it to a second piece of paper.
I went onto Ebay to find some carbon paper and the best price including delivery was from China so i ordered 100 sheets.

Here is a sample i did of an Dolphin. I transferred the picture i made and copied it to a piece of wood. Now that i am happy with the finished copied image when my machine arrives next week i will make my first board. The wood you see is Walnut but i expect i will use Chestnut but we will wait and see.

Friday, 13 September 2019

It's now about 6 years

I started my kitchen about 6 years ago and i installed LED light 12 X 4w bulbs. The lights have worked perfect till no and over about a week 5 have failed.  At the time my electricity charge was an average of 80€.
As i worked thought the house i replaced every light with LED's now i pay an average of 40€ that's a saving of half. It's the way forward and i buy mine from Ebay and buy packs with 10 bulbs for less that €20 a pack.

This is my new sink, When i ordered my sink i also ordered, Carbon paper, Fish safe silicon, 50mt fibre optic cable, Food grade mineral oil, A pair of reading glasses and a pair of driving glasses. If i had each item posted individually the postage would have been more than i was happy with. I used UPS again and paid only £23.50.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Progress may be slow

Progress may be slow on making my fish tank. This week i had the task of putting up the ceiling boards. The plaster boards for the ceiling are very heavy and due to there size difficult to lift above my head and screw them into place.

This was a major part of the building of the tank. Now this is done i can get on with half filling the tank so i can put some wood in that needs to get water logged so it sinks to the bottom when i want to start to use the tank.

I have the pipework that i am going to use to make my solar hot water system so u can keep the room warm. To use heaters to warm the water would cost to much. A solar panel will keep the water at the temperature of the room.

I have solar panels to make the electric to power all the heaters, filters, lights ect.

Sunday, 1 September 2019

More countries reading my Blog


The above are just 2 of three new countries to have been reading my Blog. The third country i forgot i make a note but it was in the area of  Turkmenistan. I am now over 80 countries that i have had someone read my Blog The story of my Life in Portugal.

As i checked my Statistics i have just seen a ready for Ghana so that's another new reader and if they see this then welcome to yourself and all new readers. 

What a selection

A friend of mine wanted to sell her things she makes at the market i went to today. At first they where just cakes and biscuits but these are not just your normal cakes and biscuits. These cakes and biscuits are Gluten, lactose and some egg free.

Today more and more people are being found to have problems with there diet. I was lucky to have tried some of the delights shown in the picture below. It was after i tried them that i found they had no Gluten, Lactose or egg in there ingredients  and they where as good as cakes and biscuits make the traditional way.

I hope to enjoy the company of my friend and her amazing produce at many markets to come.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

A month ago i wrote about my sliding door

I have now got the main beams up for my sliding doors for my lounge and bathroom. I have to move a light switch from by the bathroom door and the switch for the lounge ceiling fan. When the switches are moved i can then do the framework for the plasterboard that will go in front of the doors.

As the picture shows i have put LED lights in the beams before i fitted them in place.

Cook for 20 minutes at 200c

I have mentioned before about my 5,000lt fish tank. I am actively collecting the stones i want and for where the plants go i need what is called a substrate or compost. This compost will go under the sand.

I asked a question on one of the Expat Forums i am on and today i got a reply about where to get the compost from.  If the answer is correct then i then have to cook the compost for 20 minutes at 200c to kill all bugs, eggs or anything that may do my tank harm.

Cooking at 200c is from advice from within the Fishkeeping community. The only thing i am now waiting for is another tube of a special silicon sealer for the glass window at the front of the tank.

Friday, 23 August 2019

It's no secret don't call me before 10am

Over the years i have enjoyed getting up to suit me and nobody else so i have a 10am rule. Everybody i know knows my rule and it works fine as often it's approaching 10am when i come down to have a shower and start the day.

That rule today was at my choice broken but only temporarily and only for today. My Granddaughter had her exam results like many her age all over the country. At 8am today i was up waiting to hear the good news my Granddaughter passed all her exams.

I would like to say i am so very proud of my granddaughter

Sunday, 18 August 2019

After the inferno

Fire came and ravaged this little peaceful valley here in Central Portugal. The fire came and burnt everything in it's path but a few survived and i was happy to see this peach tree in the middle of the devastation that was left after the fire.

This is what was left of a tree after the fires of 2017. 

Here we are August 2019 and this is one of only a few of 253 fruit trees that where planted in about 2016. About 15 trees have survived but only this one has fruit on it.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

My time was not watsed in Liverpool

During my time in Liverpool i built a spray booth for my son for his Splash back company. Today i received some pictures of one of his latest jobs a splash back of the Liverpool skyline.

If i wasn't so far away when i revamp my kitchen i know how it would look when i finished.

All the inside is now done

For a while i have been building a fish tank but not a fish tank you my recognise.  In the fish room i only have a couple of low energy lights so i am sorry the lighting is poor and doesn't show of the tank to it's best.

This picture was taken form the front where the viewing window will.  

I now have to wait a week before i can put in the Stainless steel window frame.
Once the lights have been installed i can fit the glass to the window frame.

OK i know it's me

Ok i know it's me but someone from my past doesn't remember what i look like so yesterday at the market i was at i took a picture of me. Don't worry i won't make a habit of putting pictures of me to spoil your day.

Monday, 5 August 2019


While travelling through France I saw the wreckage you see on the pictures below. The whole area was cordoned off because this was a display as a warning to drivers.

Whatever hit this from the rear must have been travelling at some speed to do the damage that you can see.