Peter's Blog

Iberianspices spicesiberia

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Crazy trees

I have seen when i lived in England trees that where planted and growing as we it was intended to be.

Here in Central Portugal things are a little different apart from trees that are planted as a crop for the paper mills get planted on hills everywhere you turn. But there are some that grow wild.

I have seen a couple of trees at Nigel and Ann's place and Derek and Hannah's place. These are not just normal trees but these are trees that have found these own place to live. The first two pictures are from Nigel's place. This tree has chosen to grow in the middle of a wall. The first two pictures are of an Olive tree growing in the middle of a high wall.

As you can see the tree is growing in the middle of the wall.

This is in fact a fig tree. This Fig tree is as you can see growing out of the side of a wall below a house. I took these pictures because it shows just how things in nature can survive.

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